Even Santa has his own Xmas Party, and it can get pretty messy up there at the North Pole. Here in the Wilderness though, we continue to bring you the cream of the local music scene, 21:00 on Sundays at www.westwiltsradio.com repeated Thursdays, and on listen again after tonight.
1. Jimi Hendrix – Ezy Rider
2. Henge – Ascending
3. Griffiths and Hollingsworth – Lost in the Winds of Time
4. Steatopygous – Cassowary
5. Captain Flatcap – Lush
6. Los Flippin’ Surfer Smokers – A Night in Tangier
7. Madam Misfit – Pay if Forward
8. The Real Cheesemakers – Unicorns of the 1980s
9. Manif – Frog
10. Dr Alibi – Little Green Men from Outer Space
11. Fields of Few – A Million Sparks